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What type of appraisal do I need for an Immigration Application?

A General Purpose Appraisal Report written by a Certified Residential Appraiser is the most common form used for most immigration matters.

The appraisals we provide meet or exceed the regulatory requirements for Department of Homeland Security Affidavit of Support requirements; U.S.C.I.S. Humanitarian Parole requirements, and appraisals for various other programs within these agencies.

Our appraisers are experienced in providing documented value for immigration purposes throughout Palm Beach County. We have experience in communicating with persons who may not use English as a first language. We work hand in hand with our many local immigrant communities, and we have the knowledge to recommend the most cost-effective solution.

If you want to try a free option, you can provide a document from the local tax authority showing your home's market value estimate (scroll down for printing instructions), but you should be aware that this may not be sufficient for your specific needs. You should discuss the form types and options available with a knowledgeable appraiser or your attorney. If you want to try the free option, you can print a copy of your tax value estimate in Palm Beach County by going to the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser website and searching for your address. Once you have located your home record, scroll down and you will see an Improvement Value, Land Value, and then Total Market Value.

The Total Market Value for the most current year available is the value that Immigration should use in their calculations (you should circle it or highlight it for them). A printed copy of this page should be sufficient proof of equity value (after subtracting your mortgage balance). Unfortunately, in many instances this will be a low value because 1) the tax authority does not typically try to be at the high end of the potential value range and 2) the value is taken from January 1st. When values are increasing your home may be worth much more than the County tax value estimate.

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