There are a variety of reasons that someone may want to know the value of their home, and we provide residential appraisals for a broad range of potential uses. In many instances our clients are people that are considering selling their home or one owner wants to buy out another owner. We also write private use appraisal reports for estates, owner asset reviews, financial statements, tax purposes, divorce, division of the asset, divorce, equity buyouts, etc.
Regardless of why you may want to hire us, we assume that you are looking for an unbiased and independent opinion of value that is free from any conflicts of interest. You can get estimated values from real estate agents, but their analysis is not going to be as thorough as one of our reports. There are online estimators like Zillow that can give you a number, but their accuracy for a given home can be very far off the mark. Homes are unique and a full interior appraisal from a licensed appraiser will provide you with much more than a number.
We will provide you with an exact number estimate of your home value, but we also work with you before and after the appraisal to ensure you are getting what you expected. Our up-front discussions will allow us to determine what you intend to use the appraisal for, and we customize our service to maximize our contribution to your efforts. We also make ourselves available after delivery of the report to help summarize the assignment results.
When you start the process with a call or email requesting a quote, the person fielding that request is a Certified Residential Appraiser from start to finish. Everyone in our company is a licensed appraiser and has local knowledge. Once you have provided the address or folio number, we will review the property using available online resources and ask if there are any special home attributes or circumstances. After discussing your specific expectations and needs, we review relevant competitive market information and develop a quotation which is in writing and emailed to you immediately.
Once we have been hired and we have arrived for our scheduled appointment at your home, we are happy to sit down with you and review any specific concerns you have, as well as provide any guidance or advice that we feel may be relevant. We measure and photograph the home before leaving. This process takes anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, but is usually less than an hour. The larger and more complex the property is, the longer the on-site visit will take.
During the development of the appraisal our appraisers perform extensive research into current market conditions, determine and value specific market drivers, analyze trends and review competitive inventory specific to your home. The appraisal report you receive will be much more in depth than a realtor's value estimate, agent CMA or online guestimate.
After the finished report is completed it will be emailed in pdf format for your review. We are available to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have after you have had a chance to read through the report. At that point we are also available if you want to talk about ongoing market competition, go over a pricing strategy, or discuss anything relevant that we discovered during the appraisal process.
Each of our appraisers have over two decades of LOCAL experience in our territory of Palm Beach, Martin, and Saint Lucie Counties. We are intimately familiar with all residential communities in our territory and have appraised over $1,000,000,000 of residential property locally.
Everyone on our staff is a Certified Residential Appraiser, including the person that will answer your phone call or email. We have extensive experience with homes that have specialty considerations that are local to our market such as water frontage, view impacts, boating amenity, locational appeal, and unique features of all types.